Mira's Third Birthday Party
For the first time in her young life, Mira got to have a birthday party with her friends. When she was one, she couldn’t talk yet and she had just started at Suzuki, so we just had a family event.... see more
For the first time in her young life, Mira got to have a birthday party with her friends. When she was one, she couldn’t talk yet and she had just started at Suzuki, so we just had a family event.... see more
Emily Barrow and Jon Birdsong are about to be husband and wife see more
Sushma and Bobby see more
Firing off the cannon. see more
The tri-athletes posing in the staging area. see more
The picturesque Lake Burton from Chantilly see more
Mira, Sonali, and I at the fountain in the gardens of the Schönbrunn Palace Sonali and I decided to cross another milestone for our family: the first real, more than a week long, family vacation with Mira. Yes, we’ve taken... see more
A fortnight ago, we had the privilege of attending the wedding of one of my childhood friends, Shuchi. One of the bigger sadnesses of growing up and moving away is that you lose touch with the people that were a... see more
The Southern Museum staged their fifth annual “Trains, Trains, Trains” event in late January. Mira got a little train set for Christmas, so we were excited to see how she’d react to a large event with lots of model trains... see more
It was finally time to perform a task that I had been putting off for at least 3 years. I finally sold my beloved Mazda RX-8. It feels silly to have such an attachment to an inanimate object, but that... see more