The tri-athletes posing in the staging area.

The tri-athletes posing in the staging area.

Our friend Angie convinced a group of us to head down to Callaway Gardens for their annual Super Sprint Tri. The tri was perfect for our little group, which included a few novice swimmers and a handful of individuals with questionable fitness levels (your’s truly included).

Since there were four families going it made sense to get one of the larger cabins on the property. The night before the event was a blast with all of us just hanging out in the common area. We all brought in food for the meal that night, so we had quite the pre-race spread.

Fuel on the night before

Fuel on the night before

The downside of race days is the early morning rise, but the group was up early and ready to go. In one of the small world coincidences, the girl setting up her station next to us was wearing a Rivalry T-shirt. It is very cool when you see your company’s logo out in the wild.

Sharing a few laughs at the marking station

Sharing a few laughs at the marking station

The group showing their race numbers, ages strategically placed away from the camera

The group showing their race numbers, ages strategically placed away from the camera

No under 3 category in this race, so Mira had to settle for fake markings

No under 3 category in this race, so Mira had to settle for fake markings

Obligatory picture infront of the giant beach chair

Obligatory picture infront of the giant beach chair

I was a little more nervous about the race than I’d like to admit. Since Mira was born, I hadn’t spent a lot of time swimming and almost none in the open water. While we can say that it’s all just for fun, I had no intention of embarrassing myself in front of all our friends. I was in the first wave and had a three minute headstart. My only goal was to finish first on the clock, theoretically very doable, except our group contains half ironmen and marathoners.

The race route itself was really nice. It started with a swim around the edge of the lake. The water was shallow enough that you could stand if you needed to.

Mira ready to cheer Daddy

Mira ready to cheer Daddy

I'm all warmed up and ready to go

I'm all warmed up and ready to go

My swim wasn’t the best and got throughly out of form at the start. Swimming in a pool is hard enough, but swimming in a murky lake with a whole bunch of thrashing people around you is a whole different story. After a few false starts and touches to the bottom, I finally got in a groove.

Transitioning to the Bike

Transitioning to the Bike

Cycling is my favorite segment, if not my strongest. Like with the swim, the lack of race experience led to a slow start. However, getting passed by my friend’s dad who was in the wave behind me gave me the kick I needed and I was able to find the right form and even repay the favor to a handful of people that passed me in the water.

The course was awesome since it took you through all the backroads of the gardens. It was relatively flat and speedy romp through some very appealing forests.

Running in with the bike, getting ready for the run

Running in with the bike, getting ready for the run

Mira checking her shoes like Daddy

Mira checking her shoes like Daddy

I was spent after the bike ride. One of the biggest time sinks in a tri, especially a short one, is the time spent in transition. Some of the people I worked so hard to pass on the bike just blew right by me in the simple act of getting the bike up, bike shoes off, and running shoes on.

The running course wasn’t as nice as the bike course. The run included a loop around the lake, meant a half mile portion was running in the sun without shade. Not something to look forward too at the tail end of a long effort. Of course in a Tri you are always wet so running faster can keep you cooler.

Crossing the finish line

Crossing the finish line

Running is probably my strongest event and one where I can push myself even when a little tired. I crossed the finish line a little over an hour after the start of the race. I accomplished my goal of finishing in front with about a minute thirty to spare. Small accomplishment for sure, but one I was happy about since Angie medaled in her age group and the entire Frank family came close.

Silly competition aside, it was a lot of fun for both the experienced athletes and the beginners. I could see this being an annual tradition for our group. Which means I have a lot more training to do.

My own personal welcoming party

My own personal welcoming party