For the first time in her young life, Mira got to have a birthday party with her friends. When she was one, she couldn’t talk yet and she had just started at Suzuki, so we just had a family event. By the time birthday two rolled around, she was very vocal about who her friends were, but she spent that birthday in India.

The parents were just as excited as Mira to finally have a kiddo party. It was long overdue.

Mira and Noah in the dance warm-up, (with a little cameo from Asa)

Mira and Noah in the dance warm-up, (with a little cameo from Asa)

Getting treated to a little birthday puppet show

Getting treated to a little birthday puppet show

We decided to have her birthday at My Gym. We attended a party there a few months ago and had a blast. It’s the perfect environment for a toddler party. I’ve learned that there’s nothing little kids love more than to run around and act silly. Having obstacles, a ball pit, and a trampoline is a plus.

Mira getting sassy at the ball pit

Mira getting sassy at the ball pit

Lots of great activities for the special guests

Lots of great activities for the special guests

Mira’s been interested in Princess Sophia lately (and her parents are getting a little sick of Elsa), so that was the theme for this party. We invited her best friends from school along with some of the other kids we know that her age, whose parent’s Sonali and I miss seeing.

One of Mira's BFF's, Sam

One of Mira's BFF's, Sam

Mira being super cute in the ball pit

Mira being super cute in the ball pit

One thing that I really like about the My Gym birthday experience is that they intersperse little group activities between the free-for-all play. They had a little puppet show, the jumping air mattress, some dancing, and a little bit of gymnastics.

Mira getting instructions on how to use the rings

Mira getting instructions on how to use the rings

Decided the rings weren't for her and went for the bars

Decided the rings weren't for her and went for the bars

Another thing they do really well is change it up every time and find ways to make the birthday child feel special. Mira loves her princesses but she also loves her cars. For first birthday song, they pushed Mira around in a car. She couldn’t have been more excited.

Making a lap in the car around the gym

Making a lap in the car around the gym

Once her lap was complete it was time for the cake! Sonali has been in love with the idea of a pull-apart cake, which looks like a cake but is really made up of cupcakes. Or rather it’s really made up of icing with a little bit of cupcake in between.

Patiently waiting for the cake with reestablished BFF, Noah

Patiently waiting for the cake with reestablished BFF, Noah

The Sophia pull apart cake

The Sophia pull apart cake

Ready to blow out the candles

Ready to blow out the candles

Devouring the icing on the cupcake

Devouring the icing on the cupcake

If we’re going to be honest, there was only one reason we picked My Gym: the Zipline.

Action shot of Mira on the zip line

Action shot of Mira on the zip line

Everything has to come to an end and Mira’s party was no different. Mira insisted on personally making sure that all her friends left with a goody bag, even though it meant cutting into her playtime. That little act is something that I’m very proud of as a parent.

Closing out with some bubbles

Closing out with some bubbles

Mira breaking the bad news that it's time to go home

Mira breaking the bad news that it's time to go home

Time for the Family

One birthday party is not enough for Mira. Sunday was the day for the family. We had special guests for the weekend as Sonali’s cousin, her husband, and Sonali’s uncle came in from Texas.

Guests from Texas

Guests from Texas

We had to relent for this party and go with an Elsa theme. At least the weekend wasn’t all Elsa, all the time.

Elsa cake was center-stage next to the Indian treats

Elsa cake was center-stage next to the Indian treats

The birthday girl in front of her cake

The birthday girl in front of her cake

Elsa banner and balloons

Elsa banner and balloons

This event was a little more laid back than the one with more than a dozen toddlers running around. We had good Indian food and got to catch up with the family.

Mira with Mommy and new BFF Dipti

Mira with Mommy and new BFF Dipti

Mira doesn't eat unless someone is trying to take a picture

Mira doesn't eat unless someone is trying to take a picture

Mira finally posing and reminding everyone who the first granddaughter is

Mira finally posing and reminding everyone who the first granddaughter is

After the cake, it was time to drive our visitors back to the airport and for th three of us to unwind for a bit.

Mira getting ready to dive into her Elsa cake

Mira getting ready to dive into her Elsa cake